What they are

Every year, coinciding with the San Sebastián Day celebrations, the City Council distinguishes, by presenting them with its Citizens Medal of Merit, persons or bodies which have provided or continue to provide extraordinary services to the city.
Citizens Medals of Merit 2025
How they are decided
As in the case of the Golden Drum, citizens can present candidacies which are, subsequently, and after the drawing up of individualised dossiers detailing the merits of the person or body under consideration, as well as all relevant information with a view to justifying the proposed distinction, submitted to the government bodies established in each case in order that they may be studied alongside those presented on behalf of the Corporation itself. The City Council Plenary session will later approve their concession.
While there is no limit on the total number of Citizens Medals of Merit, the City Council must take good care of their prestige, making sure that they are never simultaneously held by more than 200 people at any single time. No more than 5 medals a year can be granted.
List of winners - Citizens medals of merit
Asociación Mestiza
Non-profit association based in Donostia / San Sebastián, founded in 2008, whose purpose is to promote and develop artistic and socio-cultural projects while reflecting the multicultural diversity of our environment.Banco de Alimentos de Gipuzkoa
Non-profit, apolitical, non-denominational, and volunteer-based association established in 1997 in Gipuzkoa to address the food needs of the most disadvantaged, prevent food loss and waste, and raise awareness and encourage solidarity in society regarding this mission.
Contxu Uzkudun
Owner and designer of the Basque fashion brand Minimil. Since its founding, the company has been exclusively led and managed by women, serving as a benchmark for the defense of women's rights and autonomy in the workplace.
Iñaki Almandoz
President of the Askatuak Club for 36 years, his story is intertwined with the history of basketball in Gipuzkoa. Founded in 1975, the club has been active across all training categories — including professional levels — with the goal of promoting the practice of basketball.
Radio San Sebastián
A radio station that began its journey in October 1925, making 2025 its centennial anniversary. It is the first radio station in the city.
ADSIS Fundazioa
Non-profit entity that, for more than 56 years, has been working to offer opportunities to people who find themselves in vulnerable situations.Ángel Rueda Aramaio
Shopkeeper of the Old Town in Rucal Electricity, a business with more than 30 years of experience, providing service and attention to neighbors throughout the city.
Association that works on behalf of people affected by acquired brain damage and their families, and which will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024.
Bizikletaz adinik ez
Entity whose purpose is to contribute to a higher quality of life for people through participation, intergenerational cooperation and urban mobility.
Mentxu Medel
Ballet teacher at the Thalia school, with a lifetime dedicated to classical dance and the promotion of dance and culture in the city, also training male and female dancers with international projection.
For his work to raise awareness and care for people and families with mental health problems in the city.Coro Easo Abesbatza (Musical choir)
For their cultural contribution through choral music that they have been developing for years at a level of excellence.
Lola Horcajo
For disseminating and publicizing the history and heritage of Donostia / San Sebastián and for his great contribution to the historical study of the city
Maite Sabadell
For his promotion of different projects in the city of Donostia / San Sebastián, and especially for having promoted one of the great troupes of the San Sebastian Carnival.
Gurutz Linazasoro
For the scientific dissemination that gives questions of cerebral, neurological and sociological interest to the general population and its promotion of relevant initiatives in the medical field.
Añorga KKE
Cultural and sports association that turns 100 years old and does a great job in the personal, human and sports development of hundreds of girls and boys.Kresala Zinekluba
An association that celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, an important agent that consolidates the link between San Sebastián and cinema. Program films outside the commercial field.
Zurriola Antzerki Eskola
This association has been working for many years in the field of grassroots cultural practice such as theatre. It has become an essential tool for promoting Basque and amateur theater in Donostia / San Sebastián
José María Leclercq
For his work to preserve the memory of San Sebastian, especially the fire that devastated the city in 1813.
For all its career and current involvement in accompanying mourning and serious illness.
Due to COVID19, Citizens Medals of Merit were not granted
Why Not Fundazioa
For its work with people with mental illnesses or disorders and their families.Naizen Elkartea
Association of Families of Transsexual Minors.
Bikarte Elkartea
Cultural association that focuses its work on the temporary reception of young people from Russia and Belarus for their health recuperative rest.
Jesús Rubio Raymond
Recognized for his work in the social field. Founding member of Orona S. Coop. He has worked for the Basque language and for his commitment to the Basque pelota.
Itziar Mintegui Martínez
For her work at the head of the Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants.
Eragin Elkartea
For its cultural work for 53 years, with special attention to the personal and cultural fulfillment of women.
Hazi eta Ikasi
For the supportive school support offered voluntarily to boys and girls from families with limited resources.
Elizaran ikastetxea
For its 100 years at the service of the education and training of thousands of people from San Sebastian and for being a pioneer center in the integration and labor promotion of women.
Gaztetxo Antzerki Eskola
For the work done in the field of theater for 20 years, in which they have staged 16 musicals.
For its work in favor of the conservation of the urban heritage of the city.
Casa Ponsol
Oldest active store in the city.
Izan Norbera Fundazioa
Promoter of the Proyecto Hombre program.
Intxaurdi Kirol Elkartea
All-female football club.
Club Gimnasia Rítmica Donosti
Non-profit club dedicated to gymnastics.
Paul Zubillaga
Pediatrician Dr. For his work with people and groups in need.
Kemen Elkartea
23 years working for people with disabilities through adapted sports.
For its work for girls and boys affected by cancer and their families.
Gimnástica de Ulía
Organizer of the Cross de Reyes and for its work in promoting grassroots athletics.
5th B grade studes.Ikastola Jakintza 1982
Sara Iturrioz, Ana Zirikiain, Leire Ozkariz, Idoia Amas, Nora Lizartza, Ainitze Blanco, Miren Sorne Uranga, Ainitze Errasti and Josune Izagirre. Thanks to their initiative thousands of girls have participated in the children's tamborrada playing the drum and the barrel.
Javier Hernáez Uranga (parish priest of Altza)
For his work with many people and groups in need in Altza-Larratxo.
Itzurun Elkartea
Comparsa of giants and big heads that participates in the main festivals of Donostia/San Sebastián that have filled our streets with color and joy.
Juan Ojanguren Ulacia
Family doctor who has practiced until his retirement in the outpatient clinic of the Old Town. Professional with great humanity, vocation and dedication to patients.
Katxalin Elkartea
A association to support women affected by breast and/or gynecological cancer. A task that Katxalin carries out for the entire society of San Sebastian and Gipuzkoa in collaboration with the Institutions, Administrations and Research Institutes.
Centro de Formación Nazaret
This year 2016 the training center celebrates 100 years.
Chernobil Elkartea
The year 2016 is a key year for the association as it commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster as well as the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Chernobyl elkartea Association.
D. Juan José Ocón
Txoko Txiki
Fundación Goienetxe
Kantu Jira
Dña. María Jesús Bragado
D. Ángel García Ronda
D. Daniel Zulaika
Dña. Vicenta Benítez (Familias de Acogida niñas y niños saharauis)
Asociación Erroak Sartu
Teléfono de la Esperanza
D. José Luis Álvarez Enparantza, Txilardegi
D. Jaime Caballero
Dña. Luisa Etxenike
Unidad de Neonatología del Hospital Universitarioo Donostia
Txotxongilo Taldea
Dña Aadresa Portugal - Pescatera
D. Ramón Saizarbitoria - Escritor
D. Joaquín Pérez Iriarte - AA.VV. Txomin Enea
D. Peter J. Brown - Profesor de Danza
Hospitalidad de Lourdes
D. Miguel Tardáguila
Asociación de Profesionales de la Danza de Gipuzkoa
D. Félix Pérez Carrasco
Asociación Arrats
Mintza Laguna
D. José Luis Fernández
D. Iñaki Fernández
D. Fermín Muñoz
C.D. Bera Bera
Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago
Gros Xake Taldea
D. Esteban Elizondo
D. Juan Antonio Antero
Verdini Dantza Taldea
D. Carlos Benito Gómez
Dña. Lourdes Oñederra
D. Richard Oribe
D. Agustín Unzurrunzaga
Sor María Luisa Antón
D. Xabier Muñoz
Dña Concha Chaos
Siervas de María
Dña. Mari Carmen Ganzarain
D. Evaristo Ayestaran
Librería Manterola
D. César Pérez
D. Rafael Munoa
D. Javier Pradini. responsable de Emaús
Grupo Gastronómico de Intxaurrondo
D. José Yabén, vecino de Martutene
Dña. Teresa Cormenzana, Presidenta de la Federación Mercantil de Gipuzkoa
Dña.Mariasun Landa
Colegio de Enfermería
D.Peli Egaña
Club Fortuna
Colegio San José
Dña. Mari Carmen Guimerans
D. Imanol Olaizola
Librería Lagun
Filmoteca Vasca
D. Miguel Vidaurre
D.José Manuel Azkue
D.Alberto García Hinosa
Club Vasco de Camping
Sociedad de Cuidados Paliativos
D. Miguel Mari Echevarren
Colectivo de Voluntarios Aterpe
Sociedad Fotográfica
Sociedad Loiolatarra
Dª Luz Díez Montes Miranda
Antiguoko Pilotazaleok Elkartea
D.Vicente Zaragüeta
Asociación Artística Guipuzcoana
Asociación Amigos de San Telmo
Fundación Matía
Dña. Mari Ayestaran Amunarriz
D. Francisco Pizarro
D. Eugenio Tamayo
D. Xose Antonio Vilaboa Barreiro
Asociación Amigos del Sahara
Sociedad Kresala
D. J.Ignacio Ansorena Miner
Dña. Amaya Bontigui Zubiaurre
D. Plácido Eceiza Yarza
D. José Mª Zapirain Maritxalar
Asociación de Donantes de Sangre de Gipuzkoa
Club Deportivo DORDOKA
D. Miguel Capa Elola
D. Ibon Sarasola Errazquin
SOS Balcanes
D. Francisco Aranaz Darrás
D. Manu Aarrue Atxalandabaso
Dña. Faustina Carril Arocena
D. Josetxo Mayor Mateo
D. Mari Larrandia Moral
Dña. Angelita Martínez Gil
D. Xabier Aizarna Azula
D. José Delgado Castro
D. Luis de María y Lafaja
D. Iñaki Ibero Telletxea
Dña. María Semperena Zubillaga
Colectivo de Trabajadores de IKUSI
Dña. Miren Azkarate Villar
D. Félix Gabilondo Arakistain
D. Pablo García Azpillaga
D. Evaristo González Landa
D. Olegario Iturralde Bujanda
D. Rafael Puignao Fernández Aransgui
Dña. Cristina Cuesta Gorostidi
D. Manuel Matxain Ezpeleta
D. José Luis Munoa Roig
Dña. Hilari Pagazaurtundua
D. Juan Mª Peña Ibañez
D. Luis Pedro Peña Santiago
D. Tomás Pérez Pérez
D. Antonio Sierra Valgañón
Proyecto Hombre
Dña. Pilar Olascoaga Arrate
D. Manuel Cendoya Isasa
D. José Mª Ferrer Chapartegui